Fostering Sustainable Ecosystems - Sustainability Report 2023

3 Arise IIP | Sustainability Report 2023 Corporate Governance and Business Ethics FOSTERING ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE Fostering Responsible Supply Chains Fostering an Inclusive Workplace Charting the Path to Sustainable Growth GRI Index CONTENTS TABLE OF 1. About the Report 4 2. Message from Leadership 5 3. About the Theme: Fostering Sustainable Ecosystems 8 4. Corporate Overview 9 5. Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality Assessment 16 6. Our ESG Priorities and Performance 20 7. Corporate Governance and Business Ethics 23 8. Fostering Action on Climate Change 45 Climate Resilience 46 Water Stewardship 56 Waste and Circularity 59 Biodiversity 63 9. Fostering Responsible Supply Chains 67 10. Fostering an Inclusive Workplace 77 Employment Practices 78 Health and Safety 91 Community Engagement 97 11. Charting the Path to Sustainable Growth 109 12. GRI Content Index 114