36 Fostering Sustainable Ecosystems About the Report Leadership Messages About the Theme Corporate Overview Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality Assessment Our ESG priorities and Performance To ensure strong corporate governance practices at Arise, our approach to communicating critical concerns to the highest governance body is characterized by a structured and transparent process. Key executives or Demonstrating a proactive commitment to sustainable development, our organization has implemented measures aimed at elevating the collective knowledge, skills, and expertise of our esteemed Board of Directors. Recognizing the dynamic nature of sustainable development, the Board receives regular updates on emerging trends, best practices, and industry-specific issues pertaining to sustainability. department heads are entrusted with the responsibility of reporting critical concerns to the Board of Directors, employing various means such as regular board meetings or dedicated special sessions for urgent matters. Taking a step further, an ESG training session is proposed to be conducted in the year 2024. These sessions are designed to provide in-depth insights into the intricacies of ESG considerations, fostering a comprehensive understanding among board members. Such targeted training endeavors not only empower the Board to make informed decisions aligned with sustainable development goals but also reinforce our organizational commitment to responsible and ethical business practices. Communication of Critical Concerns Collective Knowledge of the Highest Governance Body the company’s policy on managing conflicts. All directors are also required to give an undertaking confirming adherence to Conflict of Interest. Overall, through the implementation of robust disclosure policies, vigilant oversight, and transparent documentation, our highest governance body ensures that conflicts of interest are effectively prevented and mitigated. These processes underscore our commitment to upholding ethical standards and ensuring the integrity of our governance practices, ultimately contributing to the trust and confidence of our stakeholders.