Fostering Sustainable Ecosystems - Sustainability Report 2023

4 Fostering Sustainable Ecosystems About the Report Leadership Messages About the Theme Corporate Overview Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality Assessment Our ESG priorities and Performance About the Report Reporting Period This report covers the sustainability performance of Arise IIP and carries performance data for the period 1st January 2023 to 31st December 2023. This Sustainability Report was created using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards which follows a one-year reporting cycle and enables us to highlight our ESG initiatives to address the growing interest and expectations of our stakeholders. Scope and Boundary The reporting boundary covers Arise IIP’s head office in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, office in India, and our operational special economic zones in Glo-Djigbe Industrial Zone (GDIZ) Benin, Plateforme Industrielle D’adétikope (PIA) Togo, Gabon Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) Gabon and Meat processing unit in Chad. In Gabon, we have Forest operations, Particle Board Factory, Log Park, Inland Container Depot. We have our high-end premium furniture brand called Akiba which specializes in processing and sales of high-quality wooden furniture, with timber procured from Gabon. In GDIZ Benin we have Soya and Cashew processing plant. In PIA Togo we have Soya processing plant and ICD. The cashew processing facility in Benin and the Meat processing unit in Chad commenced operations in August 2023, with the report covering details from August 2023 to December 2023. The report seeks to serve as a perspective to create discourse around opportunities and challenges in our journey to create a better future for our planet, our people, and our partners, by fostering sustainable ecosystems. Reporting Framework Our report refers to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. Additionally, the report features content indices for GRI standards, which can be found at the end of the document. Suggestions and Feedback We encourage input and suggestions on our report from both internal and external stakeholders to maintain consistency, responsiveness, and inclusivity. We are dedicated to actively listening to our stakeholders and value your feedback on our report or any aspect of our performance. Kindly reach out for any comments or clarifications to: esgreporting@arisenet. com. To learn more about our sustainability initiatives, please visit the website link: