49 Arise IIP | Sustainability Report 2023 Corporate Governance and Business Ethics FOSTERING ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE Fostering Responsible Supply Chains Fostering an Inclusive Workplace Charting the Path to Sustainable Growth GRI Index 66% 34% 10,659 tCO2e Scope 1 5,407 tCO2e Scope 2 GHG Emission Profile Scope 3 Emissions We are currently in the midst of monitoring the Scope 3 emissions that result from both our upstream and downstream value chain. These findings will be disclosed in our future sustainability reports. As for our investors, we have started onboarding them in our carbon footprint journey and empowering them to Scope 1 emissions 10659 tCO2e 33% 37% 26% 4% Scope 1 Emissions in CY 2023 Benin Togo Gabon Chad Scope 2 emissions 5407 tCO2e Benin Gabon Chad 76% 21% 3% Scope 2 Emissions in CY 2023 perform their carbon footprint assessments. So far in GSEZ, four of these investors have embarked on the same journey. In new zone developments, we are adding this as a critical requirement in the contracts of the investors.