51 Arise IIP | Sustainability Report 2023 Corporate Governance and Business Ethics FOSTERING ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE Fostering Responsible Supply Chains Fostering an Inclusive Workplace Charting the Path to Sustainable Growth GRI Index of any source of any residual emissions by permanently removing an equivalent volume of CO2. Embarking on a groundbreaking mission, our collective endeavors are transforming environmental accountability. The Blue Carbon Project, a forward-thinking partnership among ARISE IIP companies, is positioned to offset our industrial footprint in Gabon. This joint effort arises from a network of interconnected small projects, merging into a significant initiative. The project shall be carried out in phases with each phase focusing on different locations of the site. The total site that needs to be conserved is 10 million sqm. out of which, initially 0.6 million sqm. approximately shall be taken up for restoration and afforestation of mangroves. We have additionally implemented a new strategy to minimize carbon emissions in our logistics and transportation operations by shifting from roadways to waterways, utilizing the Inland Container Depot in GSEZ. This transition to barging will not only improve efficiency but also significantly reduce our carbon footprint in container transportation by 17.4 kg of CO2 per container. We are committed to leveraging its resources, expertise, and partnerships to drive innovation, promote renewable energy sources, and advocate for policies that support a low-carbon future. Through investments in clean technologies, sustainable infrastructure projects, and lowcarbon initiatives, we aim to not only reduce our carbon footprint but also inspire others to act and join us in the fight against climate change. Energy Management We recognize the significance of the resources we obtain from our surroundings for our business, hence we acknowledge the importance of efficient energy management in advancing sustainability and minimizing environmental consequences. Our endeavor is to actively reduce our energy intensity whilst exploring methods to decrease our dependence on non-renewable resources. In alignment with our commitment towards carbon neutrality, we are also dedicated to executing a robust energy and emission management strategy that emphasizes sustainability, efficiency, and accountable practices. As a responsible organization, we actively pursue energy management as a crucial focus and have identified it as a key material topic to our operations. Our approach encompasses multiple facets, such as optimum utilization of resources, installing and procuring renewable energy, and implementing measures to reduce dependence on fossil-fuels. Installation and procurement of renewable energy Energy Efficiency Circularity