Fostering Sustainable Ecosystems - Sustainability Report 2023

95 Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Fostering Action on Climate Change Fostering Responsible Supply Chains Fostering an Inclusive Workplace Charting the Path to Sustainable Growth GRI Index Arise IIP | Sustainability Report 2023 Our Health and Safety Performance in CY 2023 In the CY 2023, we recorded fatal injuries, lost time injuries, first aid injuries and near-miss incidents using our recording mechanisms and risk registers. Incidents of Injuries Recorded at Arise IIP (by type) Per 200,000 hours worked LTIFR 0.49 TRIFR 0.49 3 Fatal Injuries Lost Time Injuries 41 Although we have always been committed to preserving life and ensuring zero fatalities, we unfortunately experienced three (03) fatalities in CY 2023. As a result, we have conducted thorough investigations into each incident to determine the underlying cause and prevent any future occurrences. Learning from these instances and renewing our perspective on health and safety management, we devised the Critical 6 strategy. As part of our ongoing efforts in health and safety, we have appointed a Group-wide Health and Safety head to ensure that health and safety matters at our organisation are governed with transparency. SAFER Strengthening our dedication to international Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) standards, we have launched SAFER in GSEZ, PIA and GDIZ. SAFER provides guidance, training, and assistance to investors in the zone, aimed at reinforcing safety, improving operations, and protecting the environment. The goal of SAFER is to reduce industrial incidents and accidents by offering personalized advice, training, and assistance to investors in the zone, thereby ensuring the safety of our workers, improving our operations, and protecting our environment. The purpose of SAFER service is to ensure that all workplaces are healthy and safe for everyone, including employees, partners, and visitors.