Launched in 2021, the Plateforme Industrielle d’Adétikopé (PIA) is a multi-sectoral industrial park located 15 km North of Lomé with a focus on the local transformation of premium quality cotton to export it globally. Spread across 400 ha, it includes an industrial zone, a commercial zone, a container yard to hold 12,500 containers, parking for 700 trucks, warehouses and storage units for cotton and other commodities. PIA is a public-private partnership between the Republic of Togo and ARISE IIP.
Cotton has been cultivated in Togo since long. First transformation of cotton is being done by Public Private Company called Nouvelle Societe Cotonnière du Togo (NSCT)) before exporting.
Toward increasing its cotton processing capacity and being more attractive, Togo has adopted an integrated policy for the textile and clothing industry that will focus on improving the production and processing of cotton produced in Togo.
The Plateforme Industrielle d’Adétikope will serve to pursue this story and allow Togo and its natural resources to thrive with modern infrastructure and integrated logistics services.
PIA is a vertically integrated industrial zone, focussed at creating thriving value chains for the textile industry: from raw material sourcing to resource transformation through manufacturing, to exporting final products.
The Plateforme Industrielle d’Adétikop is set to become a world-class industrial zone and an ecosystem facilitating the transformation of local raw cotton into textile and further into Garment.
To deliver this ambition, ARISE IIP will work with the Togolese government to attract foreign investors, establish linkages across the whole value chain, organise trade shows for hosted companies to showcase and market their products, and boost exports.
PIA offers a wide variety of convenient, reliable and integrated logistical services.
PIA offers a set of fiscal and administrative advantages facilitating the set-up and operations of businesses hosted in the industrial zone.
Covering 400 ha, PIA is an integrated multi-sector economic zone, with a primary focus on the cotton industry.